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Married, dating, engaged or simply just looking for your mr./mrs.right, there is something here for anyone.

Need Vs. Want In A Relationship

Once upon a time, there lived a woman who thought it was her husband’s job to make her happy and feel complete. She let his actions and decisions affect her daily life and basically gave him full control of her emotions so that when things...
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Top Relationship Goal For 2020

How many of us say our marriage comes before any and everything, but our actions show something completely different? It’s okay, be honest, there is no judgment here. Bini and I are pros at this.  I think it’s because we know we will always be...
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The Best Marriage Advice For The Holidays

I love the holiday season! In fact, it’s my favorite time of year! There is something so magical about all the Christmas lights, music, family gathering around and telling stories of the past, baking cookies/cake, and of course, who can forget all the holiday movies?!...
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