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Empowered Women Empower Women. Here is where you will read so many inspiring stories of women just like you who had a dream and created greatness.

What My 6 Month Sabbatical Did

I contemplated whether to write this blog or not. Originally, I didn't see a need to share my story becuase this isn't the first time I have taken a sabbatical. However, with each sabbatical I always learn something new about myself and I believe that...
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Year in Review: Questions to Ask Yourself

WHAT A YEAR IT’S BEEN! Regardless of where you are in the world, your life, like everyone else’s, has been affected greatly by COVID-19. So much of what was once considered normal has changed, and we have all had to adapt to that change in...
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Reset Lifestyle

Empowered Women Empower Women- Wintana Kiros of Reset Lifestyle

This month's Empowered Women Empower Women series features an amazing woman specializing in helping people gain their health back through nutrition education, health coaching, and wait for it… styling!! Yup, she does it all, and she does it so that you can live a life...
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