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Empowered Women Empower Women. Here is where you will read so many inspiring stories of women just like you who had a dream and created greatness.

Power Of Networking

Ladies, I cannot stress enough the importance of being amongst like minded people.  Networking is the key ingredient to personal growth. My husband, Bini is always drilling the phrase “Your network is your net worth” and I’m sure once he reads this post he will smile from...
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Embracing Motherhood Without Losing Myself

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is you’er than you.” ~Dr. Seuss It’s funny how a child’s rhyme can mean so much more to an adult, than who it was originally written for. I first saw this quote...
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Yearly Goals

Every year for the past five years, I’ve written down a list of goals I want to achieve by the end of the year.  I use the previous year’s goals as a guide to help me decide what it is I want to work harder...
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