Networking is the key ingredient to personal growth. My husband, Bini is always drilling the phrase “Your network is your net worth” and I’m sure once he reads this post he will smile from ear to ear because I finally understand what he means.
This past weekend, my best friend- Mimi and I got to attend the Women Empower Expo at the Washington D.C. Convention Center. With a phenomenal line of speakers and remarkable workshops, the expo was not only empowering but also inspirational and a great place to network. I saw first hand what the power of networking could do for you.
We attended workshops on:
Each workshop could have their own blog post based on the information we walked out with, and I am happy to share our notes with anyone- email me, and I’ll send them to you. More valuable than the information were the connections we made with the speakers, the different vendors and the amazing women that attended the event. I got pointers on how to present and clean up my social media posts from Jessica Castle an online launch strategist, met the amazing Tamera Hush from Hush Boutique and bought some HOT outfits, had a profound conversation with an Hispanic-American woman who wants to give back to her community by sharing immigration stories via her own podcast and met the wonderful people behind DCW 50 news at 10pm.
I made connections with the women I met because we were able to sit and talk about our goals and learn from one another. That’s a bond only like-minded people can make. What inspired me the most, was listening to Alexa Carlin speak about her near death experience. She was in a coma for ten days, and yet it couldn't and wouldn't stop her from putting together a fantastic event. She truly is a walking testimony- that you can achieve anything you put your mind too.
Overall I have to say it was an AWESOME day full of empowering messages for all aspects of our lives. I left the event full of creative ideas, empowered to do better and be better.
I’ll leave you with Mimi’s thoughts on the expo… “NO EXCUSES! We will do what we set ourselves to do!! Point Blank” as she dropped her mic and walked in front of me.