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Empowered Women Empower Women. Here is where you will read so many inspiring stories of women just like you who had a dream and created greatness.

Follow Your Dreams

Picture This: You’re in meetings after meetings and have no idea why you are even in the room. People are talking; you know this because you can see their mouths move, yet in your world, nothing is said, because your mind is somewhere totally different....
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New Mom And Single Af

When I asked Mimi to write her story and be a featured guest on the blog, she said YES, with no hesitation and shared a post she had been working on for herself, sort of like a daily journal where she kept her thoughts and...
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Empowered Women Empower Women- Redeat Wondemu From Simply Red8

This month's Empowered Women Empower Women series features a blogger who is living life her way and doing everything she loves to do while still helping people everyday through her work. She is a nurse by trade and a blogger by passion. What happens when...
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