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Let's dive in to all things Motherhood related!

Why Your Immigrant Story is so Important to Know

"Hi, what's your name?" I asked her in Amharic, thinking she was from Ethiopia. The little girl looked at me, confused, and smiled. I'm sure she wanted to befriend Isabella and not me (LOL), but Bella was too busy reading a book to talk to...
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To send them to School or NOT…

I guess all us moms with school-aged kids have one sure thing in common these days; the fear of sending our children back to school or the dread of having to homeschool them again for only God knows how long. Today, I’m writing to you...
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How To Homeschool During Quarantine Without Going Crazy

Be careful what you wish for they said... Just a few weeks ago, I was doing my daily prayers and asking God if I was overdoing it; am I pushing too hard? Am I letting my dream come between my time with my family? Am...
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