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Everything fun and light. This section is best for those Friday mornings where you just want to read a good blog and relax.

20 Things I’m Grateful For This Thanksgiving

You guys know I’m all about grateful statements and sincerely thanking GOD for everything that happens in my life, right?! So, this Thanksgiving, in honor of my favorite morning ritual, I’ve decided to make it into a new family tradition. Yesterday, I had each family member say three things they were grateful/thankful for and one beautiful thing about the person next to them. I wanted the kids to start getting in the habit of being more grateful and less entitled to what they have, and Thanksgiving was the perfect time to start.

I figured sharing what I’m grateful for with you all will be a great way to start my holiday weekend since I am so thankful for all of you and the community we are building together.

 So, here are 20 things I’m beyond grateful for this Thanksgiving holiday weekend:  

1)    My faith in GOD and trusting that everything happens for a reason.

2)    Listening to my motherly instinct- prime example, Novena’s hip disorder.

3)    Our family and friends for ALWAYS having our back. We are beyond blessed!

4)  Rahwi, my thoughtful little sister, for moving in with us to spend more time with the kids. We LOVE having her at home.

5)    Bella and Lorenzo for being fantastic role models to their little sister.

6)    Mimi and Betsy - the best friends anyone could ever ask for!

7)    Lina- my ride or die Tesfaye family sister! Who would have known two women, who years ago had very different dreams for their lives would end up here. I don’t know what I would do without her in my life.

8)    Quitting my 9-5 job and giving my full attention to all things Luwamé related.

9)    Bini for giving me the space and time I need to grow my brand and for being the best husband, business partner, social media manager, etc. a girl can ask for (even when he is annoying me).

10)    Vacations back home and spending time with my mother.

11)    Reading and always learning from my surroundings.

12)    My love for PODCASTS.

13)    The ladies of Enawra for always pushing me past my limits.

14)    Traveling and seeing new countries.

15)     Attending our first ever couples retreat and learning from amazing people that I have the honor to call my friends.

16)    Understanding that growth doesn’t happen in my comfort zone and being okay with new challenges. I welcome obstacles with open arms now.

17)    Getting to work with Lululemon (honestly, it’s been a dream come true)!

18)    Getting paid to do what I love! HELLO…WIN/WIN.

19)    Being surrounded by like-minded women who are empowered and achieve greatness.

20)   You, my friend.. .yes you.. reading this post. I’m so grateful for this community that we are building together on Luwamé.com.   Feeling empowered and in return, empowering and inspiring women everywhere to live their best life possible. I can’t tell you how happy I am when I get your DMs, emails, chats, or when I’m stopped somewhere by a woman that says I helped changed her life. It’s such an honor to do what I love and to help women realize their full potential.

There are so many other things I could mention, but these 20 are on top of my list. Feel free to start your own family or friends tradition and share what you’re grateful/thankful for. Let’s make this holiday one to remember with all our positive energy!

Also, as the year comes to an end, start to think of the person you want to be in 2020. Are you happy with where you’re at now? If so, GREAT, my friend, are doing something right. If not, though, really dig into what it is what you want to do with your life. Is it a career change, lose weight, get married, have a family, travel more, make more money… whatever it is, write it down, place it on your vision board (you better have a vision board for 2020), and start to manifest it in your life.Use affirmations and speak it into existence. I promise you this stuff REALLY WORKS!

As always, I’d love to hear from you. How was your Thanksgiving holiday? If you are looking for a fantastic holiday fitness challenge, check out my e-book here. It’s an eight-week holiday challenge full of 48 of my favorite unique workouts. I’d love for you to try it and give me your feedback.


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One reply on “20 Things I’m Grateful For This Thanksgiving”

This was a wonderful come back babe. The kids and I are always awed at your mastery of everything you put your mind into. You have become an inspiration to many women but most importantly our teenage daughter. We are here to support you on this crazy, beautiful and fulfilling journey. Love you.

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