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We all have our own healthy living journey. Here is where I share mine, step by step what has helped me lose weight, gain strength and maintain it through out the years.

8 Exercises To Build Your Strongest Upper Body

How many of us want to wave at our friends and family but don’t because of that annoying fat we have underneath our arms? Ok that’s a little extreme lol but how about we won’t wear that cute tank top we bought 2 summers ago, because our arms or shoulders look a certain way?

This spring/summer let’s change things around and work our way towards having the strongest upper body possible and feeling amazing in the process! To sculpt a strong upper body, we have to work on our arms, shoulders, chest, and back. Typically, it’s best to break the workouts into two days:

1)    Biceps and Back

2)    Chest and Triceps

Both days will also incorporate shoulder workouts. My favorite way to do upper body exercises is by super-setting the workout.

superset is a form of strength training that has you moving quickly from one exercise to the next exercise without taking a break (or resting) between the two movements. So, a great workout for me on Biceps and Back day would look like this:

I do the first two exercises 12 times each (also known as reps), then rest for 20 seconds, and go into the next two exercises. Do the entire workout 3 times (also known as sets).  

3 sets of 12 reps
-       Bicep Curls
Start Position
End Position
-       Bent Over Rows
Start Position
End Position


-       Lateral Raises (for your shoulders)
Feel free to do this exercise without weights
-       Arnold Press (for your shoulders)
Start Position
Middle Position
End Position


Now that you kind of got the idea of how super-setting your workouts go, you can incorporate the same concept for your Chest and Triceps day. Always remember to include a shoulder workout in between the sets. Here are my favorite chest and triceps workouts. 

3 sets of 12 reps
-       Push Up (wall, knee or full push up)
Start Position- Feel free to do your pushups on the wall, your knees, your in full form
End Position
-       Chair Dips
Start Position
End Position


-       Front Raises (shoulders)
Start Position
End Position
-       Upright Rows (shoulders)
Start Position
End Position


It’s always a good idea to take a rest day or work on your legs/cardio/abs between your two upper body workout days. This way you are giving your muscles the break they need to grow.

I hope this blog post helps you or someone you know. As always, I’m here to help with any fitness related questions you may have. Follow my fitness journey on Instagram to see weekly workout posts and other fitness inspirational photos/videos. I’d love to hear from you as well. How are you keeping up with your upper body workouts? Let’s all learn from each other.


Luwam T.

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