If I'm 100% honest with myself, I haven't been very good to myself lately.
Don't get me wrong, I practice everything I preach but I've lost my confidence, which has led me to question alot of my decisions. Here's an example: I'm a personal trainer, and I love what I do. I love helping women achieve their goals and seeing them thrive as they do. In my field, like many, there is always so much to learn and recently (being 100% intentional and authentic with you guys here), I noticed that there is SO much I don't know within my industry, and it scared me. It scared me shitless…like how can I train someone when there is so much I don't know?! That person won't benefit from my knowledge! Am I hurting my clients by keeping them on with me?!
I'd been holding on to these thoughts for weeks when I linked up with my life/business coach to go over material for a stretch class I was offering the next day (it was a huge deal for me). Well, as we were going through the content, I broke down crying. Yup, tears and all! Right there in front of this woman that I admired so much, I showed her my weak side and with snot coming out and everything, I explained that I felt like a FRAUD. I didn't know what the hell I was doing and honestly had no right being onstage teaching a class...like who did I think I was? She let me cry it out and even hugged me as I covered my face embarrassed as heck. After I was done crying, she set me straight and told me exactly what I needed to hear; all I can do for anyone client or not a client is be myself and give my 100% in what I teach. I know what I know, and I don't know what I don't know, and that's okay. I should teach what I know and learn the rest one by one! I didn't have to explain every muscle point that was affected during our stretch; they didn’t want to hear that anyway. My clients were there to learn from me and get motivated, and I was the best person to do that job!! I left her gym feeling more confident then I had in weeks, and needless to say, my stretch class went AMAZING.
So I'm going to do for you what my life coach did for me...
YOU GOT THIS!! When you walk into that gym and try that machine or class for the first time, don't get intimidated or feel like a fraud being there amongst the other people. You got this. You know more than you think and what you don't know you can learn. Be patient with your journey, and enjoy every minute of it.
In my line of work, I often meet so many women who are starting their healthy living journey for all the wrong reasons. They want quick and easy results instead of putting in the work and changing their lifestyle for the long run. They give up when they don't see the work paying off instead of sticking with the plan and pushing through it. That's the opposite of being good to yourself!
If my story today resonates with you or someone you know, please share it with them and reflect on what it is that you want out of your journey.This is a lifestyle that will have you choosing yourself and being GOOD to yourself as often as possible. Also, remember that everyone starts at the bottom and works their way up.
As always, I'd love to hear from you. Please leave me your comments below on how you are being good to yourself when it comes to your health and wellness.