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Do More Of What Makes You Happy

Easier said than done right?!?! 

Lately, I’ve been reflecting a great deal on how I spend my time every day of the week. If you know me or have been reading my posts, you’ll know that I am a creature of habit and love embracing routines (only because it keeps me sane).  The biggest downside to being so structured is the fact that often I stick to a plan and forget to do what truly makes me happy. 

My life is so busy, and in the coming months, it will get even more hectic. These days I find myself adding more and more to my ever so long to-do list which makes me feel unaccomplished. I also feel like I am always fighting with time. UGH‼  I guess my struggle is prioritizing what needs to get done and what can wait (this was on my yearly goals list too). Lastly, I feel torn between focusing on the blog/ my health and wellness certification studies and giving attention to my family and myself.

My three blessings :)

You don’t have to be a mother or a wife to relate to this. I think we all do it to ourselves and sadly for most of us, we don’t see what’s happening until it is too late.

The other day, I was driving into work and listening to Shawn Stevenson from The Mental Health Show Podcast (if you’re into health and fitness, I highly recommend subscribing to this one- his voice is HOT, he gives great health and fitness advice, and brings on amazing guests). Anyway, this particular episode was with Lisa Nichols- “Increase your sense of Value and Stop Postponing Happiness.” I loved the whole interview, but this one statement stuck with me, and I felt like they were talking directly to me.

“To me, being happy is not something that you go and find... you can't google happy. Happy grows from you, it grows from a moment you arrive at and becomes a destination you stay at...”

She makes my heart smile

I need to do better… And if you're reading this and nodding your head then you need to do better too. Together let’s start to take our lives back from the hectic world we live into a place that brings us happiness. Take 5 seconds to just think of one thing that really makes you happy. Write it down on a piece of paper or add it to your phone. Then pick a date on the calendar and mark it. That’s the day you will get to do one of the things that make you happy.

Here is what makes me happy
  • ‍Seeing my children happy
  • Spending time with my husband Bini
  • Reading
  • Writing on the blog
  • Traveling
  • Working Out
  • Shopping- I know Bini will roll his eyes when he sees this. LOL
  • Quietness- this doesn’t exist in our house unless it's after 8:30 pm
  • Girls Night Out- getting dressed up and hitting the town with my girlfriends

My calendar is free on Sunday, September 24th so I will be doing one of these things.

As always, I’d love to hear from you all. What makes you happy? Do more of it ladies!


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