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Everything fun and light. This section is best for those Friday mornings where you just want to read a good blog and relax.

Finding Time For Me Time

The term Me-time means just that -ME- however somehow my ‘me-time’ gets confused with- mom is free now and can help me now. 

I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets called on 1,001 times a day.

As mothers, we almost never get a day off, a sick day or just a simple break. I know in my household, even though I have extra help, I’m still running around and doing everything for everyone.

Sometimes I feel like I’m supermom- rushing from work to pick up the children and take them to their many activities, only to go home and work on household chores, homework with the kids, feed and give the baby a bath and get my older children ready for school the next day.

Like most moms, I often wish I could freeze time and just walk away so I can have peace and quiet alone. My solution to this problem is quite simple; I made time fit for ME. I took the one time I knew my family wouldn’t need me and decided to use it for me- EARLY MORNINGS. My Husband and children all love to sleep in, the earliest I can get them to wake up is 6 am. Therefore, I use that time to do what I want, that’s my ‘me-time.' I go to the gym bright and early at 5 am, and I get to work out without getting phone calls from my family. I get to catch up on my shows and just talk to other moms like me who are hiding from their sleepy families. There is something so satisfying and freeing about finishing a workout and walking out of the gym before the day has even begun.

So go ahead ladies, find your ‘me-time’ and take it. YOU DESERVE IT!

As always, I’d love to hear from you.


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