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Let's dive in to all things Motherhood related!

Happy Birthday Lorenzo — Golden Year — Turning 6 On The 6th

One of my favorite days- July 6th! Lorenzo is celebrating his Golden Birthday today, but he has always been golden to me. 

He is the light that keeps my world shining and makes me smile all the time.  Hard to believe he is six now. I remember when Bini and I brought him home from the hospital as though it was yesterday and now he is a rising 1st grader that loves cars, planes, and Super Mario games. Gone is my infant with chubby cheeks and a bald head; my toddler that loved Thomas the Train and ran around the house yelling “chu-chu”; my preschooler that would come home with messy art and think he was Picasso.

Baby Lorenzo at 3 months

Baby Lorenzo at 5 months

It’s bittersweet for me because as much as I want him to grow up and be the INCREDIBLE man he is meant to be, I also want to keep him small and by my side forever. He is my special-special (a term taken from Thomas the Train- I’m sure you Moms know it).  My only son and the bond we have is something I cannot describe in words. I know, I cannot stop him from growing, but I can influence the man he becomes by setting great examples for him. As he continues to grow my job as his mother is to teach him right from wrong, pray with him and for him, make sure he always understands he is loved tremendously, and guide him on a path that will help him develop his capabilities.

‍3rd Birthday Party

This year, in honor of his new found love for the video game Super Mario Bros. Lorenzo, wanted a video game themed party and we decided to collaborate his party with his sister’s to create one huge summer event. Here are some of the fun, memorable pictures from his big day. 

To my gift from God, Lorenzo

I loved you even before you took your first breath and I will protect and guide you until I take my last! Happy Birthday my SON! Today is a perfect day to celebrate YOU.  May your day, your year and your life be blessed FOREVER!



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