Reality (at least my reality) is so farfetched from that. I was never blessed with having that perfect pregnancy look or gaining the average 20 pounds (is that even considered normal these days). No, I gained 80lbs with my first, 50lbs with my second and 40lbs with my last and the smaller weight gain was because I worked out 3- 4 times a week up until my 8th month of pregnancy.
In the past, it took me a full year to lose the baby weight, but with this last pregnancy, I set a goal for myself to lose the weight in six months. Yup, I said it…6 months! I know some of you are probably thinking, six months, that’s too long, but for me, that was a huge test on my body, mind, and soul.
I highly recommend working out throughout your pregnancy because it does help you get back in shape faster.
I started out very slow, just walking at 3.0 speed with 1.0 incline on my treadmill at home for 20 minutes a day when my daughter was about four weeks old.
In our culture, a mother is supposed to sleep and eat for roughly 40-80 days. Everyone tried to feed me, thinking it would help provide more milk for the baby, even though the amount of milk I was producing was enough. My mother in law would bring me pots full of food and watch me eat; my fridge was always stocked with different meals and my family would consistently remind me to eat. It took a lot of determination, will power, and strength to stick to my weight loss plan.
With a trainer’s help, I came up with the below workout schedule and implemented it the minute my OBGYN cleared me. It might come in handy for other moms. Between this, the 28-day diet and the military challenge (see picture below) I was able to lose 40 pounds in 5 months:
I hope this helps ladies.
As always, I’d love to hear from you.