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Everything fun and light. This section is best for those Friday mornings where you just want to read a good blog and relax.

Game Changer | Microblading Experience | Before And After

Guess what I did? Yup, I went ahead and got my eyebrows microbladed and boy oh boy have I been feeling my face ever since. What is Microblading?Microblading is a tattooing technique in which a small handheld tool made of several tiny needles is used to...
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Five Podcasts That Will Add Value To Your Life

Is it just me or have podcasts lately become part of the “adulting” process? Long gone are the days where I would hit cruise and drive on the highway while blasting my music with the windows down. These days, give me a great podcast, and...
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Living In Your 30s — Life Lessons

So my 35th birthday was this past Sunday on September 30th. For those of you that have been following Luwamé, for a while now, you already know that birthdays are a big deal in my household. I mean, come on… it’s the day you came...
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