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Life And Love Advice

Ladies, it’s Women’s History Month! A month dedicated to US! So, woman to woman, I want to share some great life and love advice that has helped me throughout the years. Now I’m no expert at love, in fact I have been known to make a lot of mistakes, and I’ve learned from each one of them. So in honor of Women’s History Month and the simple fact that knowledge is power, I’m going to share some of my personal favorite life and love advice to save you from making the same mistakes I did.  

1)    Know your WORTH

Life has a funny way of teaching us this lesson over and over again. Society will try to keep you at a certain level, so unless you fight for yourself and understand just how powerful you are, you won’t be able to succeed in anything you do. THIS IS A POWERFUL LESSON! Take it into consideration, even in your relationship. Know what you will tolerate and what you won’t. Respect goes a long way when your significant other understands your stand on certain things.

 2)    Will it Matter in 5 Years?

Man, I wish I knew all about this thought process years ago, it would have saved me from so much drama and gotten me to so many places by now. The theory goes two ways:

a) When you’re going through a hard time in your relationship, ask yourself if the fight will matter in 5 years. If it will, then fight for what you believe in, however, if it won’t (for example, if you are fighting over why he didn’t clean up the kitchen before you got home, or something else along those lines- let it GO.) No use in stressing and arguing over something that won’t affect your lives down the line.

b)    When an opportunity knocks, and you get nervous or when you get too comfortable at work/marriage/life, in general, ask yourself if making certain scary changes will affect your life in 5 years. Often the answer will be YES; use that assurance to make the necessary changes and better your life. I love this exercise because it weeds out the tedious stuff so I can be productive every day and bring change to my life.

3)    Pray for your Partner and Family Daily

My faith is what has kept me going during these recent months, and it’s what I turn to during all the good and bad times.  

The bible verse “If God is for me, who can be against me” is REAL you guys! Bini and I don’t always see eye-to-eye, but I promise you, after every argument, when I prayed about it, I instantly felt better each time. Pray that your partner understands your point of view and that you understand his. Pray that you always stay strong together, that God keeps him healthy and that your love withstands all trials.

 4)    Have Fun Together

Okay, so for all my seasoned lovers, I know it can be hard to always have fun with our spouses. The romance isn’t as fresh as it used to be and now children and careers have been added to the mix.  Having fun is not only needed, ladies, it’s actually essential to a healthy marriage. I mean, think about it…if you and your spouse only talk about the “boring” things in life like finances, careers, and who will take the kids to what, then how on earth can you expect your marriage to flourish? No, there needs to be time set aside where you two can simply be you two again. I read this in a book my friends, and I are reading together called “Our Best Us- Marriage is Easier than you Think” by TedLowe (a must-read for all my married readers out there).

In his book, Ted says that having fun together is one of the most important things to do as a couple because it adds value not only to your relationship but to your peace of mind as well.

5)    Work Towards a Common Goal

This statement brings me so much happiness and can be anything from saving for a trip or doing something together as a couple. Bini and I love working out together, and we are currently working towards our wellness goals as a couple. It works perfectly because we can hold each other accountable. Find something that will benefit both of you and set out to achieve it together. This will bring you closer as a couple as well.

I hope today’s blog helps you or someone you know. As always, I’d love to hear from you. Please share some of your favorite advice that has worked for you in your life and marriage in the comments section below. 


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